Semsea: An Account of our Travel around the World with 650 College Students

We, Tom and Dianne, were graced with a fully paid trip around the world with Semester at Sea, U. of Virginia's premier global education program that changes lives.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Photo Gallery: From Ensanada to Kobe

As students filter out of the Union Theater and satellite classrooms, having finished their first of four Global Studies exams, I thought it might be a good idea to post some of the sights we've been revelling in the past two weeks. Life on ship continues to be highly busy, stimulating, demanding and unpredictable. Every day we make great new friends, faculty, staff and students, and of course many of the cabin and food stewards, the room attendants, the engineers, safety monitors, plumbers, electricials...a bevy of people who daily come out of the ship metal work!!


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